Was established Advertising group "Target Media".

We entered the international market (countries, China, Japan, India).

The company - communication group "Target Media" the complete receiver of Advertising group "Target Media" was based.
According to the magazine "Kommersant", Communications Group "Target Media" was awarded 39th place in the ranking of "the greatest media agencies in Russia in the amount of advertising purchases"

According to the magazine "Kommersant", Communications Group "Target Media" was awarded 37th place in the ranking of "the greatest media agencies in Russia in the amount of advertising purchases"

We entered the international market in Western Europe and the United States.

We fulfilled orders for the international promotion of palladium as a precious metal.

We conducted PR-company for MMC "Norilsk Nickel" in foreign markets.

We expand the international activity in the Middle East (UAE, Israel).

I am very pleased that the company kept the desire and the eagerness to move further in order to increase the ability to offer relevant products. To satisfy the orders of our clients from all over the world we continually upgrade our service. 13 years of development of the organization gave invaluable experience in the promotion of various categories of goods and services.
Gained experience is not the load that pulls back but the advantage that give a confident look into the future! Our company has a great team of professionals, I believe in these people, and clients trust them decision of sophisticated communication problems. Our clients are our partners. I say to everyone: "Welcome!"